Wednesday, December 6, 2006

If a tree creates a blog in a forest and no one ever reads it, should that tree find something more productive to do with his spare time?

I've received an abundance of requests from friends, coworkers and advertisers to start writing a blog, so here it is. Frankly, I'm disturbed by the direction the Internet is heading, and I feel compelled to make a difference with a positive contribution to Cyberspace. It may take a while, but I am confident that in time I will forever change the face of Internet discourse as we know it today.

But I cannot do this alone. I am relying on you, my reader(s), to assist in this important task. Spread the word, buy my T-Shirts... but more importantly, give me positive feedback to stroke my ego so that I may sustain the motivation to keep updating this blog. As a byproduct of my social insecurity, I crave affection and acceptance from my peers. Without it, I may give up on this blog altogether like I did with this pathetic attempt at a Political opinion blog. LOL, Sheehan AND Schaivo in one post! Hilarious!

And that about wraps up my maiden Entry in this Blog. I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible. It's been a promising start, and I expect that it will only get better from here.

Until next time, as a preview of the kind of inspiring material you can expect to find here in the future, here's an animated gif of Rush lead singer/bass player Geddy Lee. His skills are as timeless as his nose.

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